One of the fallacies that many people who do not work in the project management field believe is that all those people in the project community are avid students of project management and that many of them are "certified" by somebody to be "real" Project Managers. In reality, it is a fact that anyone can use project management techniques and disciplines to improve their work … [Read more...] about A New Revelation: Now You Too Can Take on a Project Manager “Role”
It Is As Important to Focus on Risk Management as it is to Focus on Project Lessons Learned in Your PMO Capability
In recent discussions with several evolving and maturing PMO organizations, it was obvious to me that they were wrestling with the question "What is more important: To have a robust Project Risk Management Plan in place or an actionable Project Closeout and Lessons Learned Process?' Those of you who have followed my PMO blog since I started it in January 2010 will realize … [Read more...] about It Is As Important to Focus on Risk Management as it is to Focus on Project Lessons Learned in Your PMO Capability
What Can I Do? Remember That You are an “Expert” in Some Subject
In the wake of the school shooting tragedy in Newtown, CT this past week, many people are asking the question "What can I do to help?" Many have answered that question by providing direct assistance to the town in the form of food or services. But many others who are too far away to help directly feel the need to get involved either in the specific situation in Newtown or the … [Read more...] about What Can I Do? Remember That You are an “Expert” in Some Subject
Okay All you Project Managers–Let’s Reframe an Issue
Readers of this column should be very attuned to my use of "reframing" of issues in project management, whether it be with regard to defining Significant Events for Project Lessons Learned, or addressing issues in projects that can have interpretations that lead to decisions of real consequence with regard to outcomes. However, I have not spent too much time defining when and … [Read more...] about Okay All you Project Managers–Let’s Reframe an Issue
Do Project Managers Experience “Stage Fright?”
A few weeks ago, I was watching a Charlie Rose interview with Renee Fleming which had aired on TV in 2003. In the interview, she admitted that she had suffered several bouts of "stage fright" in her illustrious, musical and artistic career in opera. When asked what can contribute to such a condition, her response was that often it occurs from an anxiety about a specific … [Read more...] about Do Project Managers Experience “Stage Fright?”